Release stress, anxiety and physical pain
while deepening your intuition.

Start your private journey to elevated wellbeing today!

The next group session will be offered in the Fall, date TBD.  

Have you ever felt like your head, your heart and your body are disconnected, and don't want to talk to each other or are pulling you in different directions... resulting in you feeling stuck and unable to make a clear decision?

Are you feeling empty, depleted, in limbo... like your "get up and go" has gone up and went?

Is your chatterbox mind keeping you from sleeping and feeling rested?

Are you experiencing pain in your body that you can't explain, that's driving you mad or angry?

This highly unique workshop is for you if you are ready to stop the spinning cycle so you can feel centred, calm, rested and energized!

Have you ever wondered WHY your body hurts?  Have you asked it?

Often times, when we hurt -- we get angry.  We're unhappy with our body who doesn't move or behave the way we'd like it to.  We talk harshly to ourselves.  We start hating on ourselves.

What if you could break that cycle?

What if instead of hating on your body, you would open a conversation?  

What if you could start LOVING your body?

What do you think could happen then?

Feel more energized and alive!

Using a potent combination of teaching, guided dances and meditations, chakra resonant music, rituals, visualizations, mandala art, chanting, and more … you will be lovingly guided into the deepest parts of your body, psyche, and energy system. This unique healing process will help you shift your inner vibration, helping you to radically transform your life.

When we are too busy and in our head all the time, we stop being present to what life has to offer.  We either live in the past with our memories and our triggers; or we live in the future constantly coming up with "what if" scenarios that keep us in fight or flight mode.

When we stop listening to our body's wisdom, we disconnect from our natural instincts.  We start doubting ourselves.  We don't trust our gut feelings, because it often doesn't make sense.  

Our fears become distorted and disconnected from real time.  We don't recognize real triggers.  We feel stressed all the time.

What if you gave your brain a break for a day, so you could reconnect with your true wisdom and deep natural instincts so you feel calm, confident and centred?

Movement is one of the most powerful ways to awaken the energy within you, shift it, release it, and move beyond everything you ever thought was possible for yourself. 

Through Chakradance, you can improve your whole state of being—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

You'll expand your positivity, productivity, and the possibilities in your life.

Here's how the journey unfolds:

Part 1: Body Wisdom

The first part of our day is about connecting back into the wisdom of our own bodies. Deepak Chopra says “Modern medicine for all it’s advances, knows less than 10% of what your body instinctively knows.” Just take a moment to reflect on this powerful statement.

So many of us are disconnected from our bodies. We often try and control our bodies by forcing it to look a certain way, or behave in a certain way. We’ve lost connection to the messages and signals that our bodies are sending us all the time. In some ways we have lost the respect and gratitude for these amazing vehicles that carry us through our lives.

Today we are going to spend some time reconnecting back to our bodies, and the wisdom it has for us. We are going to begin with a guided dance journey where we connect with each part of our body. We will then do a journaling exercise on any symptoms we may have, and will finish with a beautiful guided white light meditation for our bodies.

Part 2: Chanting

Each chakra has its own sacred sound. These sounds are called Bija in Sanskrit, or seed sounds. When we chant a seed sound, it feels like an activation – a gateway leading us deep into that chakra. Any feelings, images, sensations or memories that surface are directly related to that chakra.

When we chant a sacred seed sound, we connect with our own personal chakra, but there is something else that happens too. Millions of people have chanted the same sacred sound for thousands of years, and when we chant it can feel like we are not chanting alone. We can tap into a collective experience and feel like we are merging with a greater consciousness. There is a profound feeling of being connected to the greater rhythm of life.

We will then move into a chanting dance, and allow the vibrations within you to move your body. Be moved by the vibrations. Feel the vibrations pulsing through your energy field, clearing and releasing.

To end, we will do a meditation based on affirmations for your base chakra.

Part 3: Grounding

The next step on working with our Root Chakra is grounding. So many of us spend a lot of time up in our heads – we’re thinking, worrying about things, we’re constantly sending our energy upwards into our heads. It’s like we have become walking heads. We literally put mind over matter all the time. Or we might be so busy with our jobs, families, and to-do lists that our energy gets stretched out in lots of different directions. When this happens, we are left feeling totally scattered at the end of the day.

One of the main functions of the base chakra is to help us become grounded. But what does that actually mean? When we are grounded we are energetically connected to, and fully present in our bodies. We are in tune with our physical senses and present in the here and now. When we are grounded, we are able to stand on our own two feet in life. Life is always going to throw curve-balls at us, but when we are grounded, we are more able to deal with what comes our way.

So today we are going to do a deeply grounding meditation, where we plug in to mother earth. Then we are going to do a dance called ‘Rocking with Mother Earth’ where we draw up the healing energy from the earth. To end I will guide you into a prayer for our great mother to thank her for all she is doing for us.

Part 4: Power Animal

Our final part of our day is connecting and dancing with our power animal. In Shamanic cultures, it is believed that we all have power or spirit animals. Each animal carries its own wisdom and power and when we attune to these animals it’s as though we can take on their unique power. Different animals may come to us at different times of our lives. And they appear at a time when their specific power is needed.

Today we are going to do a guided journey to meet with the power animal you most need to connect with right now. We will then dance with our animal. When we dance the energy of our animal, we invite it into our energy field. It’s like a merging. The spirit of your animal is moving through your energy field and you are moving through your animal’s. It’s not just dancing, we move as though we are our animal. This helps us to feel the energy more deeply, to imbue its qualities, to feel its message for us so we can move forward with more clarity, ease and confidence. We will finish by creating a mandala artwork.

As you turn your awareness inwards you will release energy blocks, align with divine guidance, and move into a new realm of consciousness.

From this space of self-love and deep rest, you will feel more calm and confident.

It will be easier for you to manage stress, and you will find more ease and flow.

In This Workshop You Will:

 ❤️  Reconnect with the forgotten wisdom of your body

 ❤️  Learn powerful techniques for building communication with your body and the symptoms it gives you

 ❤️  Learn tools for grounding your energy and becoming more present in the now

 ❤️  Release blocked energy you are holding in your body

 ❤️  Meet your power animal and learn to trust your own inner instincts

 ❤️  Experience the power of chanting and movement to charge your Root chakra

What This Day Includes

 ❤️  Guided meditations

 ❤️  Movement and dance

 ❤️  Practical exercises and information

 ❤️  Mandala art making

 ❤️  Affirmations

The next group session will be offered in the Fall, date TBD.