A journey of deep awareness to break free from your negative patterns and habits so you can create the life you want.

Are you in your head a lot, overthinking everything, and you know this habit is keeping you stuck?

Are you in an endless repeat cycle of attracting the same negative experiences, situations or relationships into your life?

Is it hard for you to stay focused and motivated?

Do you have the habit of wanting to change or do everything all at once, and then you feel overwhelmed so nothing gets done and you feel discouraged or defeated?

Are you in a place in your life where you feel lost or disconnected from who you truly are?  Have you forgotten what brings you joy?  

Working with the Moon as she moves through the zodiac is for you if you are ready to find FLOW in every part of your life – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. If you’re ready for a life that’s fulfilling, joyful, passionate and abundant in every way.

Since childhood, we are conditioned to be busy.  We learn that it's best to cram our schedules with activities and work.  We numb our feelings through over-working and over-achieving, and striving to be the always smiling super-mom.

Many of us live in our heads with a never-ending chatter of things to do, people to see, and conversations to revisit.  It creates stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights.  We wake up exhausted and find it increasingly difficult to paste on that smile for yet an other day of being super hero to everybody.

One day, a switch appears in your mind.  You feel that you're at a crossroads.  You know that something's gotta give.  Something has to change.  You just can't go on feeling this way.  You look at yourself in the mirror and you don't recognize who you are.

Maybe the job falls apart.  Or it's a divorce, an illness, an accident... 

Maybe you've finally decided that you need to change from the inside out BEFORE your world falls apart.

You want to re-prioritize your life and make time for YOU, but you're not sure where to start.

Our main intention with Moon Circles & Moon Coaching is to find a simple, easy-to-stick-to structure to check-in with ourselves, our feelings and our goals. To safely and gently implement changes that last while being witnessed and supported by other women who quickly become soul-sisters

When you take time each month to connect with your heart, you can rediscover and embrace the fullness of who you are. 

When you take time each month to connect with the moon, you get out of your head and remember your bigger purpose.

You redefine your criteria for success and for a life well lived. 

You stop trying to do everything and please everyone at once, and you focus on one goal, one life area, one change.  Your feelings of stress and overwhelm dissolve and you reconnect with your inner peace.

You find your passion, purpose, power, truth, authenticity. 

You can live a life that lights you up.

The Moon speaks to your Soul

Consider this your sacred invitation to reconnect with a time-honoured practice as an elixir for your mind, heart, and soul.

Working with the moon will change your life.

As you disconnect from the busy-ness of life and turn your awareness inwards you will release sabotaging beliefs and patterns, align with divine guidance, and move into a new realm of consciousness. 

You will start living and experiencing life from a STRONG, ALIGNED, LOVING foundation. 

You’ll experience your own deep healing journey, releasing old wounds and traumas and discovering the potent energy that lies within you for change, ascension, and expansion.

And all this is centred around one of the oldest practices of humanity: looking up at the sky, the moon and the stars for practical guidance.

Step by step, and month by month, I will guide you on a journey to becoming the most full, vibrant, colourful version of YOU so that you can live the life you are meant to lead.

Picture this...

Experiencing a healing so deep that it awakens a dormant magic within you based on self-love, and a connection to your heart and your truth.

Moving from feeling exhausted and lost to alive and fully aware of your true self! A being who is joyful, passionate and in love with life.

No longer allowing negative relationships into your life as you set potent boundaries and attract friends, partners, clients and colleagues who enrich your life.

Shifting from feeling disconnected from your self and from spirit to raising your vibration and opening to your highest intuitive guidance.

Feeling focused and on path, and knowing exactly what's your next right step or action to reach your goal.

Knowing yourself so deeply and intimately that you develop unshakable confidence and you no longer seek external validation.

It’s time to rewrite your spiritual DNA in a way that’s so palpable and profound that happiness and genuine life freedom can’t help but follow.

Connecting with the Moon is one of the most powerful ways to reconnect with your natural flow, power and confidence!  Knowing your cycles of healing helps you recognize your patterns, shift and release what no longer serves you, and move beyond everything you ever thought was possible for yourself. 

You'll expand your positivity, productivity, and the possibilities in your life.

Here are the ways you can participate in this journey:

Private Program

Go deep in your personal transformation journey with a 6-month private mentoring with Jaz.  We work with your Natal Chart as the Moon highlights specific aspects of your life, relationship and career/business, so you can set clear goals that light you up; release energetic, mindset and emotional blocks that you might not even know you have; amplify your manifestation skills; and transform your life from the inside out.

We will meet twice per month around the New and Full Moons, either in-person or via Zoom.  Includes 6 Lunation Workbooks, and weekly email support.


Payment Plan Available

Apply here

Lunation Workbooks

Part journal, part planner: the Lunations Workbooks guide you as you explore the themes of the new and full moons.

At the New Moon, set clear intentions for the month ahead. Use the journal prompts and the suggested crystals to create your Moon Ritual. Then create your aligned plan of action -- it is through aligned action that you can change your life and your karma! Use the planner portion to remember to take action toward your goal.

At the Full Moon, reflect on what needs to be healed or released in your life. The forgiveness and fire ceremonies will help you feel lighter while keeping you on path.

With consistent self-reflection and aligned action, you will change your life step-by-step and day-by-day!

CA$20 on Amazon

Moon Meditations

Relax and recharge your energy with a wonderful guided meditation to set the right vibe for the month ahead.

Time, place and date TBD

Bring your yoga mat or blanket, an eye pillow, your favourite crystal and anything else you need to feel comfortable as you lay back for this Guided Moon Meditation.


No Moon Circles currently offered.

Moon Wisdom

A deeply transformative small group, 3-months program, guided by the season's energy and the moon's wisdom through the zodiac.  Being in touch with the seasons and the moon is paramount to staying calm, centred and strong.  

It provides a fantastic structure and framework to live by that allows you to align to the rhythms of nature and to the flow of Universe.

It gives you the opportunity to dig deep; heal & release old patterns & pain; create amazing friendships; and transform your life on your own terms and following your own flow and rhythm.  

You'll stop fighting with life.  You will reduce your stress and anxiety.  You will discover, as you work consistently with the moon, how everything starts to flow more easily on this journey called life.

We meet twice a month, on Tuesdays, on weeks of the New and Full Moons for deep healing conversations and ritual.  You will set clear goals and action plans.  You will be supported in your healing journey; for some, this is the only safe space they have to talk about their true feelings and past experiences.  Being seen, heard and witnessed in a non-judgmental Circle is deeply healing and liberating.

Moon Rituals

Each season and each moon is represented by a goddess archetype, who can deepen your understanding and connection of your personal life cycles.

In a small group setting, we will dive into Sacred Astrology, story, ritual, guided journey and more, as we explore cross cultural goddesses, and learn how the Divine Feminine is intimately connected with the seasonal points of the Wheel of the Year. 

In this immersion, you will unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and cultivate a living relationship with the Divine Feminine.

Reclaim your inner Wise Woman in a way that is deeply rooted in the seasons, astrology, and the phases of the Moon.

Currently offered in-person only.  We meet twice a month (2 hours each Circle) for deep conversations, learning and ritual.  You will receive instructions on how to continue your exploration at home and at work, in between our sessions.


Payment Plan Available

Moon Flow for Business

This 3-month ONLINE small group mastermind is for women entrepreneurs who are looking for more FLOW in their business, including time, projects, clients and abundance. 

This is for you if you are pragmatic with a healthy side of woo. Bring your business goals to the table and I will guide you in weaving your skills with a soul-centred plan of action, based on your natural energy structure. 

Imagine knowing the best time and method for YOU to launch a program; take a step back from business; and plan for those dreaded tech glitches common with Mercury Retrogrades.

Re-imagine your ideal client avatar based on who your soul is meant to call, so you stop chasing clients and start attracting the right people in a way that feels congruent and wholesome.  

Tweak your business goals & projects each month based on your natural energy as the Moon moves through your Natal Chart, so you focus on ONE task or area of your business.  Stop trying to do all-the-things all-at-once, and avoid the burnout cycles!

Together we will work with your Natal Chart (astrology) and the Akashic Records to create an amazing business that makes your soul sing, so you can experience success your way, without burning out.

We meet twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month,
3-4PM (Eastern) via Zoom. 

Dedicated FB Group.

Monthly Q&A / Hot Seat

What people are saying...

Moon Circles have ignited a deep transformation in my life!  I'm usually so busy, this is the only time I can really slow down and become conscious of all my baggage.  I've changed how I see myself, and what I allow in my life.  Thank you!

I used to hate the term boundaries because it made me feel so uneasy.  The truth is, I didn't think I deserved healthy boundaries.  I didn't realize I was such a people-pleaser, or that I was looking for external validation.  Now, I embrace boundaries and I've realized that they are freeing and liberating!

This is the only place where I feel truly seen and heard, and where I can let my guard down.  It's truly healing!

I feel so zen and on path after each Circle!  Thank you!

Mind blown!  I made some tweak to my business model and program deliveries.  It was so simple!  Now I no longer feel overwhelmed and my stress levels are down.  I've also learned to give myself permission to take time away from my business to recharge my batteries, instead of push-push-push all the time.  It's a game-changer!