Akashic Records

The Akashic Records & Your Karma

Think of the Akashic Records as an etheric or energy database.  Or a giant library with many books and ledgers.  

Now, imagine that you're accessing, or walking into, the database or library concerning YOUR SOUL.  

Every decision you've ever made and every experience you've had since your Soul was created is recorded here.  

What I've learned since I started working in the Akashic Records is that our Souls are eternal, and we choose to incarnate on Earth for many lifetimes.  This is partly because we enjoy the physicality of experience: as a Soul or spirit energy, we can't smell, touch or feel.  Physical sensations -- some very pleasant and some painful ones too! -- are not available to us in the spirit realm.  We learn a lot about who we are, what we enjoy and what we don't like through physicality and embodiment.  We choose to come back to learn and play, lifetime after lifetime.

I know some of you will say, "But I don't want to be here!  Why did I choose to come back??

Your Soul truly wanted to experience something beautiful to grow, learn and evolve.   And the other part of the equation is that while you were alive last time around... you created KARMA.  And Karma created in the physical realm must also be resolved in the physical realm.  

Karma is simply the consequence of your decisions and actions.  

Karma is not punitive. It's not even a b*tch.

Karma is the Universal Law of choices and consequences. It determines what and who you attract in your life — whether that's your relationships, the money in your bank account, and even the state of your physical health.

Bust through these 3 myths, and discover your creative super power!

Eternal Victim

You’re not a victim of karma! Karma doesn’t happen “to” you.


Your current life circumstances are not a punishment or reward from Universe.

Fairy Godmother

Changing & clearing your karma isn’t like waving a magic wand.

In Soul Realignment®, I access the Akashic Records to inform my clients about the divine nature of their own soul; what type of karma they have; and how to change it.

This information will give you insights on how you, through choice, have shaped your own experience over the course of many lifetimes. The information shared with you will help you express your own divinity in every day life, giving you the opportunity to make new choices and substantially shift your current experiences.

Ever wonder why you're stuck in the same type of sad relationship, or why you sabotage your own life or business?  The answer is often found in your karma...  

To change your Karma, you must bust these myths.

You're not a victim of karma.

“Good” or “Bad”... Karma is not something that happens to you - you create it!

It always makes me smile and I shake my head when I hear people cursing their karma, or when they threaten an other with the fear that karma will come back and bite them in the backside. The notion of karma is so misunderstood!

People think that there’s nothing they can do against karma; that they are powerless. Unfortunately, even highly conscious people often forget their co-creative responsibility and therefore end up in a very disempowered, even victimized place. The illusion that there are aspects of your lives that you just can’t change is exactly that — AN ILLUSION! There is nothing in your life that isn’t subject to your free will.

What if your karma was simply a choice?

That being said - yes, everyone, without exception, is subject to the Universal Law of Karma. Everyone, without exception, makes choices every day. The Law of Karma is ruled by choice and consequence: everything you experience is the result of an energetically similar choice YOU made. Nothing ever happens “to” you. Everything that shows up in your experience — every circumstance, every person, every interaction — is a vibrational match for a pattern of choices you have recently made or are currently engaging in.

So in a way it’s true: you can’t get away without karma. But then again, it’s only the consequences of choices you have made - so there’s no one else, not even Universe - to blame. If something shows up in your life... you have created or attracted it. There are no exceptions to this rule. Every moment of every day, you are making choices, and therefore you constantly create your karma! It’s important to take responsibility for the choices you make.

We're not talking here about the traumatic experiences of violence, loss and grief.  Karma does not excuse or explain violence done unto you.  However, you now have a choice in how you choose to keep interacting with the memory of that experience.  Also note that any energy work does not replace professional medical or psychological treatments.

I believe that our ultimate life purpose is the process of EXPERIENCING LIFE. We are here to experience and express our incarnated divinity. We have been blessed with free will. Even God, our Spirit Guides, Universal Love give us only guidelines to follow, and it’s up to us to implement their guidance. We are always presented with choices for our life experience - we just forget to look for alternative choices. We forget how powerful we are. We forget our divinity. We prefer to believe we are stuck and powerless, because sometimes it’s easier to relinquish our power than to take full responsibility for our life’s creations.

One of the annoying things about believing in free will and individual responsibility is the difficulty of finding somebody to blame your problems on. And when you do find somebody, it's remarkable how often his picture turns up on your driver's license. 

~ P.J. O'ROURKE, Rolling Stone, Nov. 1989

You're NOT being punished.

Creative Forces (God, Love, Spirit) are not vindictive! They’re not out to punish you.

They GAVE US free will, and therefore respect that we apply our freedom to choose our life circumstances amongst all the opportunities presented to us. They respect and honour our role as divine co-creators, and they uphold that energy for us. The only person doing the punishing - is your own self! You are the one choosing to repeat choices with similar negative energy influence.

In the Akashic Records, there is a different definition of “good” and “bad”; of “positive” and “negative”. Imagine yourself as a magnet - you remember playing with magnets? Remember the “+” side and the “ — ” side? What happens when you put an other magnet to the positive side? And to the negative side? One attracts, and the other one repels, right? It’s similar to our life experience: some choices bring us closer to the expression of our divinity, and we call them positive because they make us feel joyous, creative and light. Some choices, even if they are coined as good deeds, are not aligned with our divinity and Soul Truth. They separate us from our divinity. We call these negative because they make us feel sad, stuck, angry and disempowered. With these choices, we repel our divine self-expression and forget our role in co-creation.

To change your life experience, you must become aware of your energetic choices.

Bad things happen to good people all the time! Even “good people” can forget that they are divine co-creators. They can make choices out of fear, or guilt, or obligation... because they think that it’s what is expected of a good person. The problem is that when you create out of guilt - more experiences are presented to you that are laced with the energy of guilt. When you create out of shame, more embarrassing situations will pop up in your life. When you act out of obligation, you will attract more people that impose their will upon you.

Because we are all unique and vibrate differently, what is positive for me and how I’m designed might be negative for you. It’s not about being a good or a bad person - it’s about making choices that are in alignment with your own True Self. That’s why doing good deeds might not necessarily bring you good fortune or happiness. It’s more important to look at the energy behind your actions and good deeds, and whether or not they are aligned with what you wish to experience.

It's important to develop energetic intelligence.  When you claim responsibility for your own actions, you reclaim your power over the consequences you experience! 

~ Andrea Hess, founder of Soul Realignment®

There's no magic wand.

I believe that we choose how we experience life. And we do so every single day of our lives. The choices you make are not carved in stone. If you don’t like the choice you’ve made... you can always make another one. You have power to CHANGE your karma! It’s about vibrational matching.

Some people go see healers and intuitives like me, and they expect their slates to be wiped clean. They expect an energy clearing to be the solution to all their problems. While energy work is wonderful and often times miraculous, there is no magic wand to take all your hurts away. The only person who has the power to change your life is YOU, and you do so by taking responsibility for your life choices and actions. You must exercise discipline in implementing different ways of doing things. True energy work isn’t just about “feeling better” - it will change your life... when you choose to take new aligned action consistently!

You have the ability to deliberately create the soulful life experience of your choosing. You have that power; learn how to use it! Fumbling? I can teach you how.

Karmic mastery requires discipline, grounded objectives, and aligned actions.

Karma is based on your CHOICES. And your choices are not mere decisions taken on the mental level - choices are ACTIONS taken in this 3D, physical world.

Think of it this way:

You know the saying: it would be crazy to expect a different outcome or consequence, when you keep repeating the same choices. To do so is the definition of insanity. The Law of Karma is governed by vibrational matching. What shows up in your life is a direct match for the energetic choices you are making every day. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Change can be scary. It often triggers memories of pain, broken relationships, guilt, self-doubt, and failure. So when the opportunity to change arises, you may think: “I got hurt the last time. There’s no way I’ll do THAT again.” Or you may believe, “There’s nothing I can do to change my lot in life.”

Your challenge now is to choose to take action in ONE life area. Working on one area, one result at a time makes the process of change easier, and produces less egoic resistance. There will still be resistance — only less than if you decide to change your entire life at the same time! You must consistently choose actions that are in alignment with what you want to feel.

You’ve got this! I believe in you!

Now you have more consciousness around your karma; how you create it; and how you can change your life by changing your karmic vibration! Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.

That said, I get that it can be hard to implement changes in your life. You will encounter resistance - from your own ego, from your loved ones, and even from co-workers. Remember: how they react to you is their own karma, and you can only take care of your own.

It took me a few years of stewing in a negative work environment before working up the courage to quit and start my soulful business. The choices and actions that came after my decision to quit were not really easy either: I experienced resistance from my husband who still doesn’t approve of my entrepreneurial life; I experienced resistance from old colleagues who keep reminding me how crazy it is to leave behind salary and benefits; I even experience resistance from strangers who think that I must just be lucky in my choices. Changing my life is hard work; and yet I keep choosing this life day after day, because it brings me joy, lightness, freedom and creativity. What makes it easier for me is my choice of working on my own karma, and stopping to try to control what others might think.

Speaking of working on one’s own karma, I offer spiritual mentoring packages to help you navigate your changes and disarm your resistance. I can help you identify what is resistance, and what is spiritual misalignment. I can channel your Spirit Guides so you receive specific guidance on how to implement and manifest your intention. As your mentor, I act as a guide on your path. I work with your team of Spirit Guides so you feel nurtured, supported, and divinely co-creative.

If you’re looking for other help with clearing spiritual blocks and changing your karma so you finally embrace your amazing life and biz -- take a look at the sessions below and let's get started!

If you’re ready to step more in your divinity in a way that flows with ease and harmony, I am ready to help. My wish for you is that you feel fully alive, fully activated body- mind & soul, because when you feel that good it’s easy to share your Light & gifts with the world — and feel amazing no matter what the world is bringing your way.

Sessions to gain more self-awareness, healing & change your karma!

Your self-care and self-knowledge investment for these VIP sessions is CA$397 -- payable at time of booking via credit card, e-transfer, or in cash at the time of your session.

Your Soul Story

This is where to start: gain awareness of who you are as a Soul, and what your Soul wants to experience -- and how -- so you feel happy & fulfilled.

In this session, you will learn:

You will receive a guidebook with lots of questions that will help you go deeper into how your karma shapes your experience.  

Your Karma

Now that you know how your Soul is made to create so you can experience your most amazing life... it's time to find out why you're not doing it!

This session will bring light and understanding to:

This is an energy clearing session, and it comes with homework!  Remember: karma changes when YOU change how you do things.  Clients often experience deep understanding, healing, more synchronicity, more ease in creating what they want... and some report a miraculous change in their life, relationship or biz!

Relationship Karma

Some times, we come together because we love each other... and other times because we really know how to push each other's buttons...  Relationships are such a rich playground for soul growth!

If you feel you've had more than one lifetime with your spouse or partner... you probably have.  

Do you feel at times that you're his mother instead of his lover?  Or that everything is too platonic?  Or perhaps you've experienced love at first sight and the feeling of "being home" with this other person?

In this session, we explore one significant relationship (a spouse, a child, or even a significant co-worker).  The goal is to:

This session often change relationships for the better.  It can also help you gain closure and release a relationship that is over.

Once you have completed the session and homework for Your Soul Story and Your Karma, you can apply for Spirit Guide Mentoring.  This is a beautiful journey where we access your Akashic Records and the wisdom of your Spirit Guides to support you in taking new action in your life, career, relationships and/or business.  This 3-month program is for those who are ready to take consistent, soul-aligned action to create real changes.

I also offer mentoring for conscious entrepreneurs ready to create & grow their business with heart-centred practices based on their Soul Story.  When you learn how to implement the strengths and qualities found in your Soul Matrix, everything seems to fall into place naturally and with ease.  You will know without doubt which is your best marketing strategy, your best client-attraction method & offer... and how to stop sabotaging your success. 

Ask me about these programs after your session, and we'll see if it's a good fit for you.